Support your child all the way to Potty Mastery.
Less Stress, Big Success: My approach builds the best
kind of teamwork between you and your child...and achieves real results!
Let me remind didn't stress about your child crawling, walking, and feeding themselves. You're an experienced parent. You've come this far and you're doing a great job! No need to stress about toileting -- you just need to be prepared, and this book will help. It's the one approach that can be personalized to your parenting style and your child's learning style. Pediatricians and parents agree -- Potty Mastery: A Child-Centered Approach to Toileting works! Give your child an important gift -- the tools to learn a new skill and feel proud of themselves!
This sweet story explains and prepares your child to say goodbye to diapers. Diaper Doggie includes an easy ritual that makes it fun to be excited about doing that! It's the story of an endearing pup whose job is to collect diapers from kids who will become a Body Boss© and learn how to master the potty. This engaging and supportive story will help you and your child both become better prepared for the new diaper-to-underpants transition.

Hold the diaper bag...what makes my toilet teaching process so different than the others?
You're probably curious about what sets my toilet teaching process apart from the mountain of potty training information already available out there.
Well, let me share a little secret with you...
Surprisingly, kids’ toileting is NOT part of the training medical providers receive ... and even Early Childhood Teachers aren’t traditionally equipped with this knowledge! (I should know, I work in a pediatric practice and I've taught children). That leaves the field wide open for all kinds of "novice" experts to offer their two cents.
That's not to say there aren't plenty of great ideas out there. But let me toot my own horn here...
I spent many years as a classroom teacher and school director before joining the pediatric practice as a Parent Coach. And I've witnessed the confusion parents often have about dealing with children's toileting challenges.
I know, that when parents are at their wit's end, any advice seems worth hearing. And therein lies the issue. Seeking novice advice, including lay people’s stories, leads us to those who might not be so expert in this field. This can result in greater confusion, more frustration, and lots of mixed messages!
I really do get where parents are coming from. And my toilet teaching process is a reflection of that deep understanding. As you'll see in my book, Potty Mastery: A Child-Centered Approach to Toileting, and in my companion children's book, Diaper Doggie, my approach injects a bit of fun and a large dose of empowerment into the journey. This experience needs to be low-stress for both parent and child -- and it needs to help strengthen the bond between you.
My developmentally sound, actionable, and empowering protocols support children’s toilet learning in a way that no other methods are doing. The aim? To help you feel confident about your role as a supportive parent in this effort -- and help your child become the master of their own toileting habits.
I invite you to try my less-stress, big-success potty journey, and join me in turning everything parents have been taught about potty training upside down!